Our Story

Oh, hey! Glad you found us, we’re kinda nuts…

What happens when two college students, Abdul and Haroon, get a little too obsessed with snacks and start dreaming up the perfect treat in between late-night study sessions? They end up creating Yay Nuts—a buttery, toffee-coated masterpiece that’s now going viral faster than a squirrel chasing an acorn!


It all started with a crazy idea: Why aren't there more butter toffee nuts out there? So, we rolled up our sleeves (between classes, of course), hit the kitchen, and wouldn’t stop until we found the crunchiest, nuttiest, most addictive snack around. Spoiler alert: We nailed it.


Now, our little side hustle has turned into something bigger than our snack drawers could hold. Our butter toffee nuts are flying off the shelves, helping us not only ace snack time but also realize our dreams! From study breaks to snack attacks, Yay Nuts has you covered.


So crack open a bag, share with friends (or not, we won’t judge), and enjoy the nutty goodness that’s guaranteed to make you go… “YAY!” And remember, like our college essays, this recipe took some late nights, but the results are sweet.

Why We Picked "Yay Nuts"

Alright, so naming a snack is harder than it looks. We wanted something catchy, something that would stick in your brain like toffee sticks to… well, everything. We knew “Nuts” had to be in there because, duh, that’s what we’re selling. But what could we add that would make people smile? YAY! That’s it! The kind of YAY you shout when you get your favorite snack or when you realize there’s still one more piece left in the bag. We wanted our snack to make people say “YAY!” after every bite—because who doesn’t want to feel a little more yay in their life?


So, “Yay Nuts” was born. It’s simple. It’s fun. And, just like our snack, it’ll make you very happy. If it doesn’t make you say “YAY,” we’ll be shocked (but seriously, it will).